Pau Pereira / Tsunu Ash (Geissospermum vellossi / Platycyamus regnellii)
- strengtens the immune systems, works against flu
- treats Herpes I & II
- treats AIDS / HIV
- treats all types of tumors and cancer, especially in initial states
- treats Hepatitis A & B
- treats Anemia and Leukemia
- treats fever
- treats brochitis and pneumonia
Murici Ash (Byrsonima spicata a.o.)
- treats inflamation
- treats diarrea and gastro- intestinal problems
- anti-bacterial and anti-fungus
- treats infeccions in the mouth and troat
- treat hemeoroids
- strengtens the immune system
Cumaru / Tonka Ash (Dipteryx odorata)
- treats colics
- treats spasms
- treats bronchitis and flue
- cumarine → emenagoga, diaforética, antispasmódica, cardíaca
- stimulates the nervous system
- anestesic
- treats head aches
- strengtens the heart
Mulateiro Ash (Calycophyllum sprucceanum)
- anti bacterial
- anti fungus
- heals wounds
- fights free radicals
- treats diabetes
- fights skin parasites
- used in skin cosmetics
- anti-oxidant
Pau Ferro Ash (Caesalpinia ferrea / Libidibia ferrea)
- treats ulcers
- treats anemia
- treats coughing, astma & brochitis
- treats disenteria
Arikury Ash (Syagrus schizophylla)
- Ophthalmia
- spiritual purpose
- strengt
Cacau Ash (Theobroma cacau)
- anti-oxidant
- diuretic
- dopamine for the brain
- spiritual purpose
Caapi Ash & Leaf (Banisteriopsis ssp.)
- spiritual purpose, protection
- strengtens the spirit
Justizia / Trevo-Cumaru Ash (Justizia spectoralis)
- spectorante
- cought, bronchitis, pneumonia
Cawaranik Leaf
- brings luck in hunting and afection
Samauma / Kapok Tree Leaf & Bark (Ceiba pantandra)
- cures headaches
- brings good dreams
Jarina Flower (Phytelephas macrocarpa)
- spiritual purpose, protection
- spiritual vision
Sanssara Leaf
- give strengt to body and spirit
- cures panema (weakness)
Imburana Seeds (Commiphora leptophloeos)
- colds, cough
- bronchitis
- gastritis, ulcers
Canela-de-velho Leaf-Ash (Miconia albicans)
- treats colds, flues and cough
- treats headaches
- treats artrose, artritis
- treats pain
- anti-oxidant
- anti-inflamatory
- digestive tonic
- anti-tumoral
- anti-bacterial
- blood purification
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