Feel the vibration of your soul.

feel the vibration of infinite information around you. become the vibration of eternal cosmic knowing.

And again a journey around the sun.

to the incarnated human beings. 

Let’s feel our souls and align with earth’s consciousness.

feel the needs of the planet.

feel your dedication for your own existence. feel the joy about your own incarnation.

Align with all divine earth vibrations. remember your path , enjoy the cells finding inner peace and balancing all the energy meridians in and around the body.

Consciously Breathing every rest of resistance out of the system. In and out ∆ same and same ∆ you and me ∆ dark and light ∆ moon and sun.

Just flow.

coming from earth.

going to compost.

that is all.

Warmfully we are thinking of every moving moment we share with you.

Mindful we flow through this coming suncycle protecting the duck tribe and your healing journeys.

∞manifest consciously∞

die Strohente

the milani birds

Workshop und Markt vom 19.10.2024
findet in 9620 Lichtensteig statt.

create a mushroom garden

Workshop und Markt vom 19.10.2024
findet in 9620 Lichtensteig statt.

create a mushroom garden

Workshop und Markt 19.10.2024 – create a mushroom garden

Marktbesuche von 12:00 – 15:00 

Workshop von 11:00 – 15:00 (nur mit Anmeldung)

Mehr infos findest du hier

Eure Strohente

Fresh Lion’s Mane!

Versand ab 500g / CHF 40.-
Expressversand CHF 18.-
Bestellungen per E-Mail an:

∞Herbstproduktion 7.10.23∞

Die Strohente stellt für euch frische Vitalpilztinkturen her.

Am 7.10.23 ist die Stohente deshalb nicht am Rosenhof.

Eure Strohente
the milani-birds


Die Strohente ist wieder jeden Samstag am Rosenhof im Niederdorf.

Wir freuen uns auf Pilzfreunde und Pflanzenkinder des ducktribe.

eure Strohente


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